Thrash Lab

How to regrow hair naturally at home?

Hair. It is well known that hair brings beauty to a person. We often tend to spot girls with long hair on the streets and be amazed by the luxurious hair they have got. However, lack of hair is equally disappointing, and many people surf the internet to find remedies for hair growth. While many hair development methods might sound true, only a couple of them can promote the hair growth that too, to an extent. Growing hair is not as easy as we lose it. Each strand has its life cycle with multiple phases. When you reach around 30 years, the hair growth completely reduces, and the reasons vary from diet intake to hormonal imbalances. A person with good hair is known to be healthy in mind and in the body. Many experiments are being conducted at the global level about hair growth to find the low-cost treatment by researchers and physicians. Finding your despair, here’s a list of few natural treatments that emerge straight out of your kitchen that can form an answer to the question, how to regrow hair naturally at home? how-stop-hair-fall-with-banana-mask-home-remedy

Rosemary Oil: Being the best among the oils, it is discovered that rosemary oil can lower the hair damage. This oil is made out of the rosemary herb and can improve blood circulation and cellular development. Mostly used in the Asian countries, use this oil once in two days as a restorative for hair growth. Take 2 spoons of shampoo (prefer organic) and mix 2 spoons of oil in it. Wash your hair with this shampoo by massaging it thoroughly. You will notice the results in a month or two.

Vitamin E Oil: As the name says, it contains Vitamin E and antioxidants and therefore it deals with the free radicals. Assisting the oxygen enhancement and blood circulation to the scalp, all you need to do is apply it and let your hair soak in it for a night. Shampoo the hair in the morning with a light chemicalized product.001_maxresdefault

Garlic: Garlic, which is good for acidity and other digestion related issues can also regulate the hair loss through blood circulation. Boil around 8-9 cloves after crushing it in either olive oil or rosemary oil and use the roots to rub the hair shafts. Apply the boiled water to your hair and massage it before washing at least three times in a week.

Gooseberry (Amla): India is known to be herbally rich which is why there is medicine/treatment for everything and anything. One such medicinal plant is the Amla with Vitamin C, Citric Acid and antioxidants. Take two spoons of Amla and mix it with two spoons of lemon juice. Apply it to the scalp and rinse with lukewarm water. This method can enhance the color of your hair, even.

Aloe Vera: Associated with the body and most of its functions, Aloe vera can stabilise the pH values and clean pores of your body. Therefore, it can help in avoiding hair damage. Take two spoons of shampoo and add a spoon of coconut milk and one spoon of aloe vera. Apply it to the hair before shampooing it.

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