Thrash Lab

What is the Best Pillow for You?

For many of us, sleep is our only real time for rest and relaxation so it better be good.what is the best pillow  of the quality of your sleep depends on many factors, you beds or the temperature and what you wear, but mainly it’s based on the pillow and your sleeping position. Taking that into account,  for you? Of course you’re the only one who can answer that but we’re here to give a number of suggestions as a head start. Some of them may have hefty prices, but there’s nothing wrong with indulging yourself. 

Casper Pillow

Reviewers have stated that this is the best spooning pillow, highly recommended for those that prefer to hold on to something as they drift off to sleep; it kind of feels like the pillow hugs you back. It’s also a great pillow for back sleepers as well as those that find additional comfort in propping themselves on more than one pillow. The Casper Pillow if quite firm and durable and some of the features include:

  • An outer layer made up of cotton-percale which offers incredible cooling factors and much needed squishiness.
  • The inner corner gives additional support that helps the pillow retain its shape even after extended usage.

Bedgear Dawn 1.0 Performance Pillow

Highly recommended for those tired sleepers and early risers, the Bedgear Performance Pillow is just right for you. It can be all that frustrating when you went for a good night’s sleep and waking up even more tired than before. If scenarios like this repeatedly happen to you then it might be time to change a few things, like your pillow. You may not know, but our pillows are huge factors to whether or not we would get a good night’s sleep and Bedgear’s Dawn Pillow can provide you with the comfort you thought you had.

The pillow contains a lower loft, which is also helpful for the stomach sleepers. This lower loft was designed to effectively encourage rest and the body’s recovery while the user sleeps; imagine the kind of wake up you’ll get when your whole body was thoroughly relaxed the night before. Ver-Tex fabric was used in manufacturing the outside materials; this effectively deflects body heat so the user would frequently feel nice and cool. Meanwhile, the Boost foam code helps in relieving pressure as it conforms to the user’s contours and shape.

Serta 2-in-1 Reversible Gel Memory Foam Pillow

Manufactured especially for omni-position sleepers, the Serta Memory Foam pillow might just be the one you were looking for. In reality, not everyone can sleep in the exact same position every night. In case this also happens to you, like when you sleep on your back and wake up on your stomach, then you need a pillow like this which can provide additional support no matter what position you’re in or how much you toss and turn. Some reviewers have even stated that the pillow helps stop their partner’s snoring.

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