Thrash Lab

Tips On Relationships Those Are Long Overdue

The simple rules of the relationship starters blog will help to find the right person and live with him happily or in time to escape from an unhealthy love story.

Remember that opposites do not attract

Of course, you can have different hobbies and views, but exactly as long as they do not invade the territory of the key ideological positions of the partner. The joint life of a supporter of patriarchal views and feminists, monarchist and liberal and even fans of “Spartacus” and CSKA is unlikely to be cloudless. In key issues you should look, according to the precepts, in one direction.

Set the rules

Arrangements are not a desire to restrict someone’s freedom; it is an attempt to develop a common language in which your couple speaks. Partner’s views on the distribution of responsibilities, financial issues, the possibility of sex on the side, joint and separate rest, and even who goes to shower first in the morning, can be completely different from yours. It is not necessary to wait for a major quarrel to find out what he thinks about this. Set the rules in advance and follow them.

Hear someone else’s “no.”

There is no need to do “better” if the partner clearly expressed his disagreement with something. “No” does not mean “maybe” or “yes, but I want to be persuaded.”

Do not tolerate a partner who does unpleasant things to teach you a lesson

Taking the position of a teacher, a person ceases to be an equal partner and begins to act from the point of view of a higher echelon, a subject who is allowed more. What’s next? He will give you an assessment and deduct from home for failure? He who deliberately makes you feel guilty is not suitable for a relationship.

Do not try to be more cunning

You probably heard the advice from the series: “Be smarter, keep silent and do it your way,” “Just does it, then she will understand that this is better.” All these are tricks and manipulations that harm relationships. If you cannot openly agree and continue to do what is unacceptable for your half, it is worth either reconsidering the position or changing the partner.

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