Thrash Lab

Common Symptoms Of Thyroid That Are Often Neglected

Thyroid is a disease that can be caused due to a variety of problems. The disease is most commonly associated with the production of hormones and can cause a lot of problems to the day to day functioning of the body. Some common symptoms are mentioned below.

Common symptoms of Thyroid

  1. Depression and memory problems – Memory issues and Depression are common symptoms of thyroid and cannot be distinguished with general depression unless and otherwise diagnosed with thyroid. Frequent mood changes can also be a sign of thyroid.
  2. High cholesterol – A very common symptom of hypothyroidism is high cholesterol and cannot be distinguished with general cholesterol levels being high. It can be caused due to a lot of ingredients in food and is difficult to identify as a problem with the hormone secretion.
  3. Weight loss – Sudden weight loss and unsatisfied hunger are symptoms of hyperthyroidism and can be caused due to a lot of other problems with the body function other than thyroid.
  4. Gastrointestinal problems – Problems with the digestive system are common and can be caused due to bad food or water changes, but improper functioning of the thyroid gland can also be one reason for it.
  5. Fatigue and sleeplessness – Thyroid patients often suffer from insomnia and a lot of sleepless nights. In addition, excessive body fatigue is also a sign of problems with thyroid that can be caused due to various other physiological problems.
  6. Trembling hands – It is generally associated with Parkinson’s disease or simply nervousness, but the excessive secretion of hormones by the thyroid glands can also be a cause of the problem which is generally neglected.

These are some of the common symptoms of thyroid that occur in people. But all of these symptoms are associated with other diseases or conditions and cannot be distinguished as Thyroid problem unless checked specifically.

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