Thrash Lab

How to select the best small tig welder

best small tig welder

TIG broadly stands for Tungsten Inert Gas Welding.  Tig welding is a type welding.  It is used to weld copper or any two dissimilar metals. It is a manual welding process. In this tig welding process the method of welding is a bit different, in this the arc is developed with the help of tig torch and the filler metal is added.

While using Tig welder one has to use both his hands to weld the metals. It is of course a difficult process to learn though it is a more versatile method to weld two different metals. This process of welding is slightly slow but the process of final welding is of high quality welding.

The tig welder uses this method when there is a high need of critical joint welding or welding metals other than steel and where small and precise weld is required.

Tungsten is the item present in Tig which enables welding.  Tungsten is a hard and radioactive metal which is converted to a non consumable electrode which is used to create the arc for  welding best small tig welder

Functioning of TIG welder

In the TIG welding the metal properties of tungsten helps the arc that is created to maintain the temperature up to 1100 degrees Fahrenheit. It is the characteristic of the metal having excellent conductivity that keeps the tungsten electrode to burn up and enable to weld with the heated arc. The melting point of tungsten is lower than the heated arc.  Tungsten provides the highest tensile strength as compared to other metals.

Most of the best tig welders have AC/DC switch, in which the AC current is used for welding Aluminum and DC current is used for welding steel. It can also be used for Stick welding also.

If you are in need of welding some small part on certain occasion then you need to think for the best small tig welder, which is available in the market.  It will help you to use it at any time of the day besides it is also very handy to use

There are many companies coming up with this new product, and are also sold at a cheaper rate. Some of them are light weight and it can be used for personal use to auto repairs and to the industrial purpose also. The welders come in different sizes and powers. You can buy them as per your requirements only. They are portable and can be carried to different place for your need. best small ti welder

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