When you see warts on your skin, you really find it pretty hard to approach your friends and other people just due to bad personal appearance. We all know these warts are pretty harmless but they look bad and we need to search for an effective wart remover as soon as possible. In this short but informative article we will try to help out the needy individuals who are trying hard to find an accurate wart removal method.
When we talk about wart removal methods, we can easily categorize them in three different categories:
- First type of method is Pharmaceutical. In this method, you are asked to make use of creams and agents like imiquimod and podophyllum paint. Here it is worth to mention indeed, there are many online sources supporting these methods but still most of them are pretty dangerous and still not approved by FDA. Yes if you desire to use the method, you must search online and only apply the one with positive reviews.
- Second treatment types of procedural. In this type of treatment you are asked to remove the deal cells that are present around the wart by making use of freezing or cryosurgery. Even many practitioners make use of laser treatment but at your own level you need to make sure your skin is not sensitive to laser beams.
- Third effective treatment is over the counter remedy. Over the counter remedies like duct tape has shown nice results for many. One can also make use of the salicylic acid in order to remove the warts and many have also use tagament to control the growth or reduce the warts.
All three wart remover methods have revealed and one easily use the right method according to his or her needs.