Our bodies have a super ability to adjust to the surrounding temperature within the range of37° C. But ouradjacent environment needs to be regulated using external devices like heaters or coolers to get to our body temperature. Radiator heaters are devices that keep people warm. For more (mehr) information on thermostats for radiator heaters go to Heizkoerperregler website.There are basically two types of radiator heaters, electric and steam radiators.
Steam radiators are the traditional types of radiators and are not likely to be found in new built houses. In this system, steam is created by boiling water. The steam created transfers up to the radiator through the pipes and thus heating up the room. Electric radiators are built similarly as steam radiators, but they use different technique to create heat. In this system, there is a metal reservoir that is filled with mineral oils (thermal oil or heat transfer oil). During the process of heating, this oil is not burnt and therefore no refilling or replacement required. Due to a very high boiling point and very high heat producing capacity, this oil can create a very high amounts of heat at very low voulmes without evaporating .Once the oil is heated using a heating element, the heat is transfered to the body of the heater. This heat is then transfered to the adjacent surroundings giving a warm room.

It becomes a bit annoying to put off, on and adjust the temperature accordingly everytime. To avoid this situation, radiator heaters have clever gadgets called thermostats. These thermostatic valves are fitted to the system to adjust the room temperature by regulating the flow of hot water. These thermostat valves are have plugs made up of wax which increases or decreases in size depending on the surroundings. The valve is connected to the radiator via a pin. As the temperature of the room increases, the valves close thus stopping the entry of hot water into the radiator. Therefore the room is set up to a maximum temperature. One must ensure that the thermostats are not covered with anything as it won’t be able to sense the surrounding temperature, thus allowing entry of hot water into the radiator. Experience a cozy and warm room using a radiator heater with a thermostatic valve.