The developments in BandarQ have initiated a spree of gaming and gamers have been known to develop an addiction to the adventurous world that it offers to people. But, the increasing influence of gaming has affected many lives in a negative manner. Gaming Disorder is a problem that is increasing among people at a very rapid rate and is making serious negative impacts on the health of people. WHO has identified gaming disorder as a major problem and has classified It as an ICD-11 disease, which means that people may need to get it diagnosed from a professional and seek medical treatment for it.
Gaming disorder starts with people spending a lot of time on their gaming routines. Slowly, it develops as an obsession and people start to ignore other people and even their own chores in order to spend time playing games. It has been pointed out that if a person is spending a lot of time on gaming and this time is increasing with each passing day, the person may be suffering from gaming disorder. In certain cases, professionals have even found out that in spite of facing a number of health related consequences, people suffering from gaming disorders are unable to control their urge to spend time on video games.
Even though gaming disorder is serious enough to affect the personal lives of people, it is so recent that medical experts are seeking a treatment for the same. However, there has been no luck in finding a sure shot method of treatment. Because of this, it can be handled like any other addiction and can be treated by self will only. If you might be facing similar issues, its time to limit your gaming routine and make it time bound before you lose all control and have to seek professional help.